【同义词辨析】 2020-07-07 暂停pause-intermission

pause: stresses the fact of stopping and ordinarily implies an expectation of resumption, as of movement or activity: spoke during a ~ in the music.   resume继续恢复,和pause暂停是媒体播放器上的两个按钮,resume意思是to begin again after a short time

recess: implies a temporary suspension of work or activity: children playing during the morning school ~.   常表示法庭委员会政府等休会休息,如the U.S. Congress has begun a five-week recess美国国会开始为期5周的休会,如the judge called a short recess法官宣布短暂休庭, 如本例孩子在早上课间休息时玩耍

respite: implies a period of relief, as from labor, suffering, or war, OR of delay, as before being sentenced or before having to pay money due: enjoyed the brief ~ between attacks.      如his creditors agreed to give him a temporary respite他的债权人同意给他一个喘息的机会,如respite from the pain/suffocating heat/continued work暂时缓解了疼痛/闷热天气/不停的工作

lull: implies a temporary cessation or, more often, marked decline, as in the violence of a storm or in business activity: the storm strengthened again after a ~. lullaby摇篮曲催眠曲,来自lull+bye bye

intermission: implies a break in continuity and is especially applicable to an interval available for some new or special activity: no one should work day after day without ~.     常表示幕间休息a short period of time between the parts of a play, film/movie, etc.,如coffee was served during the intermission幕间休息时有咖啡供应,如after intermission, the second band played幕间休息后第二支乐队开始演奏,本例: 没有人应该无休止地每天工作   without intermission是固定搭配,表示持续不断,如this state of affairs lasted without intermission for a hundred years这种局面一百年来持续从未间断      形容词intermittent不表示停歇间歇,而是时断时续断断续续starting, stopping, and starting again, but not regularly,如intermittent showers/bursts of applause/protests时断时续(断断续续)的阵雨/阵阵掌声/抗议

pause暂停: 表示中途停止,预计还会继续,recess休息: 指暂停工作等活动,respite暂缓: 表示暂时解脱(如从辛劳苦难战争)推迟(如判刑还债),lull平息: 指风暴商业活动等暂时平息,intermission停歇间歇: 表示打破连续,以便为新的活动准备

记忆方法: 1)首字母PRRLI想成RR揉揉LIP嘴唇<==暂停一下


         3)暂停的意思是暂时停歇mean a temporary cessation.首字母PRRLI想成RR揉揉LIP嘴唇<==暂停一下